[B]openFrameWorks>download>android>setup guide 翻訳

android eclipse


The Android distribution of openFrameworks is based on the Eclipse IDE. 
アンドロイドのためのopenFrameWorksは、Eclipes IDEをベースにしています。

The current version of the Android plugin for Eclipse has several problems with projects that mix C++ and Java code, so the projects are currently using a custom toolchain based on makefiles + Ant tasks to compile and install applications.

If you are used to Android development in Eclipse, things are a little different. 

Check the following instructions to know how to install the development environment and compile/install applications.

Right now this is only tested on Linux and OS X. To use it on Windows, check the instructions on this link.

To use it you will need Eclipse, the Android SDK, the Android NDK, the Android Eclipse plugin and the openFrameworks for Android package.
これらの利用には、Eclipse、AndroidSDK、AndroidNDK、Android Eclipseプラグイン、openFrameworks Android パッケージが必要です。

Because of the custom build system OF uses for android, you'll probably need to use the exact version of the sdk and ndk for which last version was done.


These instructions go into a lot of important detail, but the main steps are:
この文章は、OF for Androidの導入を行なう詳細な説明書である。主なステップは以下の通りである:

  • Install Eclipse, Ant and the Android SDK and NDK.
  • Eclipse,Ant,Android SDK,NDKのインストール

  • If you're using OS X, install the Developer Tools.
  • OSXを使うのであれば、開発ツールのインストール